
Ozzu relies on its community to help self-moderate. In order to achieve such a goal we reward additional privileges to users as they prove that they can be trusted. This is done through an automated process primarily based on reputation of the user.

Privilege Description Reputation Needed

Answer Questions

Post an answer to a question. 0

Create Questions

Create a new question. 0

Post Comments

Can write comments on posts. 0

Post Replies

Can post replies to threads. 0

Create Meta Threads

Can create threads in meta discussion. 5

Create Forum Threads

Can create threads in discussion forum. 15

Create Code Snippets

Create a new code snippet. 25

Create Wikis

Create a new wiki / tutorial. 35

Flag Posts

Can flag posts for spam, abusive language, or not being relevant. 50

Up Vote Posts

Can up vote posts. 60
Can include a single link in a post. 70

Spam Review Queue

Access to the spam review queue. 80

Down Vote Posts

Can down vote posts. 100

Thank You Review Queue

Access to the thank you post review queue. 110

First Post Review Queue

Access to the first post review queue. 200
Can include up to five links in a post. 250

Late Post Review Queue

Access to the late post review queue. 300

Reduce Ads

Ads are reduced with this privilege. 400

Low Quality Review Queue

Access to the low quality post review queue. 500

Cast Protect Votes

Can cast protect votes on a thread. 600

Edit With Confirmations

Can edit posts with 3 approving confirmations. 800
Can include unlimited links in a post. 1000

Set Bounties

Can set bounties on threads to encourage replies/answers. 1100

Post To Protected

Can post to protected threads. 1200

Cast Lock Votes

Can cast lock votes on a thread. 1500

Should Be Deleted Review Queue

Access to the should-be-deleted review queue. 2000

See Post Visibility

See if a post is visible to guests or logged-in users only. 2250

Cast Unprotect Votes

Can cast unprotect votes on a thread. 2500

Cast Unlock Votes

Can cast unlock votes on a thread. 3000

Should Be Protected Review Queue

Access to the should-be-protected review queue. 3500

Should Be Locked Review Queue

Access to the should-be-locked review queue. 4000

Abusive Review Queue

Access to the abusive review queue. 4500

See Vote Counts

Can see both up votes and down votes on a post. 5000

Create Tags Immediately

Create new tags to categorize threads immediately. 5500

Duplicate Review Queue

Access to the duplicate review queue. 6000

Suggested Edits Review Queue

Access to the suggested edits review queue. 7500

Should Be Unprotected Review Queue

Access to the should-be-unprotected review queue. 8000

Should Be Unlocked Review Queue

Access to the should-be-unlocked review queue. 8500

Edit Immediately

Can edit posts immediately without confirmations. 9000

Access Moderator Tools

Access to moderator tools. 10000

Protect Threads Immediately

Can protect threads immediately that are easy targets for spam. 11000

Lock Threads Immediately

Can lock threads immediately that are easy targets for spam. 14000

Create Tag Synonyms

Can create synonyms/aliases of tags 20000

Trusted User

Full access to all moderator tools. 25000

Access Site Analytics

Access to website analytics 30000




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