28.5k times

I have inherited a computer from work and wondered if there was a way to bypass the Novell client login? It doesn't want to recognize me even when I type in my proper username and password.

I've even tried checking Workstation only and it still won't let me in. Ideally I want this removed so Windows (2000 Professional) just logs in automatically as this will be for home use.

How can I bypass or remove the Novell login prompt?

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2 Answers

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When you attempt to Bypass the Novell Client Login, you need to use a username and password of an Administrator of the local machine. Your Novell login option for workstation may not work if it's not a user of the machine. Once you log on with a Local Computer Administrator Username, you can uninstall the Novell Client.

If that doesn't work, boot to a Windows 2000 Installation Disk and go to recovery console.

  1. Rename c:\winnt\system32\NWGINA.DLL to NWGINA.OLD
  2. Navigate to c:\WINNT\system32\

This will replace the Novell Login with the Windows Login.

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Boot into Safe Mode, and go to Add/Remove Programs. You should be able to uninstall Novell Network Login from there.

  • 0
    Hmm, it stil asks me for my password and won't let me in. I am still at work here with it and can log-in when I am connected to the network, but when I get in and try removing Novell I cannot see it on the list of programs. I did try removing a desktop application launcher but the system said my account did not have enough authority to perform the removal. Am I fighting a lost cause here? — lioness
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    I was wondering if you ever found out your problem I have the exact same problem but I am using Windows XP Pro. It will not let you edit the NTFS directory. — N79ford
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    The same fix should work in XP. But you need to know the local admins password. — grinch2171
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    I went to safe mode and it pops up the Novell client login. I need to bypass that completely and I don't know the admin or password for either. It was given away at a garage sale and they moved since. I don't have windows XP either nor the money to get it. — keith_93
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